Live With What You Love


These are the words that inspire me. The words I built The Hudson Mercantile on. The words I live by. It’s easier than you think, and it has little to do with what’s fashionable this week, or what anyone says “should” go in a certain room. I like to take the ‘shoulds’ out of the equation. Just look at our store. When new pieces come in, new inspiration hits and I discover all new possibilities for pairings and arrangements of furniture and objects. Some work better than others, but there isn’t anything in the store that I don’t love, that I wouldn’t want to live with. If you fall in love with an Art Deco chaise and a 1950’s Danish coffee table, an expensive, grand dining room table and a set of modest ladder back chairs, that’s your style talking to you. Be daring; bring them home. Try them out together. That’s what I do. The world is full of mismatched pairings that work surprisingly well together. Why? It all boils down to one word. Love.